Sunday, June 14, 2015

It's odd to think that mid-next week I will already be half-way done with my internship at Qualtrics! I feel like I've adapted to the company culture and work a lot and did not think time would be going by this fast. 
This week, my boss Joseph and I have been working on creating more opportunities in the academic market for Qualtrics. I have also gotten more familiar with using Salesforce and have attended some company meetings where I learn about the broader scope of where the company stands. We have had some changes in leadership since our main boss is out for surgery. Our new boss is 30 and unstoppable in his talent. I cannot wait to talk to him more on Monday (and continue eating the office Kinder Chocolate)
On Sunday, my friend from Michigan I went to the historic sites in Wicklow Mountains!I couldn't believe how big the mountains were. I just wanted to pack up and move there! 
Monday after work, I met with Elizabeth Pariano and other Michigan students interning in Dublin, though it was a quick meet-up because our original meet-up place was closed and it took some time to get wifi and figure out the change of plans. 
On Tuesday, I met with a fellow Michigan student and went to the oldest pub in Ireland! I felt a larger connection with the Irish culture after hearing some local live music and was very happy we went. 
Elizabeth, Jade and I rescheduled our meeting to Wednesday, when we got gelato. However, I forgot my tag rugby game was at a different time this week, so I did end up missing the game.
Thursday, Joseph invited my over for dinner and had such a good time time talking with his girlfriend, flatmate and his flatmates girlfriend that dinner turned into five hours!
Friday, we had another celebration at work. I'm so happy for there opportunities to hang out with my colleagues. I feel a strong bond to the people I work with and wish I could bring them back to Michigan.
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Saturday, though was the best day of all. I had organized a trip to Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, where 13 of my colleagues and I ventured out into nature of course the famous rope bridge. My boss (Robin) was really proud that I had organized this having just come to the company three weeks ago! 
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Sunday, June 7, 2015

During my second week at work, I have learned more about how the organization is run on a macro level. It’s interesting seeing the bits that make up several branches of the organization, such as sales or engineering and what everyone needs to do to be successful in their job. In my management class, we learned that having two training sessions and one meeting per day is optimal for making sure employees know what they’re doing, leaving them feeling empowered and making sure they have enough time in the day to accomplish their goals. There is large transparency in the company, so if you’re reaching the goals you set for yourself, it is likely you will move up. This week I continued working with my boss on his project of expanding the EU client base by researching where there could be opportunities for Qualtrics in three European countries. In addition, I shadowed another boss in the hiring process enjoyed the conversation I had with the two. I am loving having lunch with my colleagues and went to a comedy club late after work with our group Thursday night. This Saturday, I am organizing a trip to Giant’s Causeway with my colleagues and am very much looking forward to that.
In addition, I joined a tag rugby team with a bunch of my colleagues!! We play every Wednesday after work and I’m gradually learning the rules of the game!
Today, I visited the Wicklow Mountains with a fellow Michigan student and was amazing by the variety of what you can find in Ireland. The real thing is so impressive you can never quite capture what you see in a photograph.
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The previous day, my flatmate and I went to the Kilmainham Gaol and were disappointed to find out the main room with all the cells was under construction but in lieu, we got to see some of the small rooms and more of the gaol. We went to the modern art museum after and had a blast laughing at some of the things that were in there, such as the artistic plastic bag that needed its own room.
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The decorative arts museum was very wowing but because it closed at 5 there was little time to see it all.
I’ve been eating a lot of the delicious local food and enjoy all the variety and various twists on the food I know, such as eating a Dublin burrito.
Can’t wait for more in the coming weeks!